Congratulations on owing a piece of archery history. Damon Howatt played a pivotal roll in the archery community since 1938 and for over 65 years Damon Howatt bows have dominated in the high-end sector of Traditinal bows. We get a lot of questions from owners like "When was my bow made" "Can you tell me more information about my bow", "Can you tell me the exact bowyer who built my bow" or even "Can you tell me what wood specs and glass composite was used on my bow" While we wish we could provide ALL of this information on your bow, a lot of this information was not preserved properly aside from those who still own bows or have the printed information for their specific bow.
If you have an older bow, it's likely that information could be limited. Older records were discarded as Martin archery was sold multipole times. to various companies. Damon Howatt is now independently family owned and the records we received from the past ownership was very limited. In fact we dredged out some of the records from the trash of the previous location in Walla Walla, WA before new tenants occupied the space back in 2022. These records however don't account for some of the older models.
Thankfully Damon Howatt bow owners from around the world have come together and helped us put together some limited information to decode the serial numbers used on our bows. This is all we have for now, you can check the information below. if you still aren't able to get the information you want, we suggest you join the "Damon Howatt Bow Owners" Facebook page which contains thousands of Howatt traditional bow owners who know far more legacy information from bows labeled 'Damon Howatt' in the past 85+ years. If you want to join the thriving group of Howatt owners, just head to Facebook and search for "Damon Howatt Bow Owners" and join the group! After you are approved, you can post an image of your bow with other printed information on your limbs and many of our group members will help respond if they know anything more about your bow!
We do have the following information you can see below:
Bowes made from 20XX to 2024+
Example:During late 20XX to 2024+ a five digit numerical serial number was used
Decoding the Serial Number / ID:
240001 = The first bow made in 2024.240085 = The 85th bow made in 2024
Decoding the Serial Number / ID:
240001 = The first bow made in 2024.